October 22

If school was a reality tv program we would be getting to the pointy end of the competition

Our Year 12’s are running around the school on their last hurrah – they finish up officially on Friday and then only return for their VCE exams. Then they have their Graduation night and the final Presentation Night – but in reality we will be letting them loose into the world to fend for themselves. This is both an exciting time and a scary time – for students, parents and teachers. For some students it means the beginning of their working life and the end of school altogether. For others it is the beginning of going on to an education for their future career – an education that they have chosen to do perhaps rather than expected to do. Others are planning to travel before settling down to further study. So many choices when you are an adult!

from: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/107734616058934834/

Mrs Healey has been busy decorating the library for the upcoming Halloween. Even though in Australia Halloween is not such a big event as it is in other countries we thought we would use it to display the large number of scary books we have. There are spiders, skeletons, strange tiny scary people and copious cobwebs. Apart from a number of students and staff refusing to enter the library (I blame their extreme arachnophobia), it has been a definite talking point with students.

Trapper Theatre Workshop with Arena Theatre Company

Last Friday 30 of our students participated in a workshop with the Arena Theatre Company (http://www.arenatheatre.com.au/ ), who were visiting East Gippsland schools researching for a theatre piece they are writing for next year. They want to do a piece on the choices young people make and how it can influence other people and events. They looked at young people working within a network and their freedom to act. Part of this was building giant Rube Goldberg machines out of different everyday objects. I will put up some photos when I get some to post. The actual theatre production will be put on next year.