August 25

Week 7 of Term 3 – the pointy end is on its way!

It is the annual countdown for the senior students. That moment when they realise that the end of their school life and exams are becoming all too real – and all too close…

image from:

Meanwhile, back at the ranch… lots of other things have also been happening. We have sent off a team to the annual Tournament of Minds competition at Federation University. This time, they also took two primary school teams with them. All three teams had been working together in the art room every Thursday afternoon for the last term and a bit. The teams acquitted themselves well and had a great time working together. They managed to kill off Caesar and Shakespeare, drive an invisible car and re-write a children’s book. A very busy Saturday!

Our school production of Jolly Roger and the Pirate Queen has been motoring along and we are up to the last few weeks of rehearsal and set painting. There has been many an “AAARGH” spoken in a piratical voice heard around the school. Tickets are now on sale through the school office.

Jolly Roger and the Pirate Queen

Jolly Roger and the Pirate Queen

Mrs Healey has been going through a zombie phase and is attempting to convert any student who comes her way into loving the walking dead. Not so sure about the brain-eating part of the role… I am slightly squeamish. She has also set up a dreamy display looking at dreams! The second image is from one of her dreams… hmmm, a psychologist might have a bit to say…

Great zombie reads

Great zombie reads

Mrs Healey's very strange dream

Mrs Healey’s very strange dream

We are busy putting together a whole series of interviews for our newsletter special called ‘Where are they now?’. A number of past students have been approached to tell their story of post-OSC life. It has been really interesting to find all of the places they have gone and all of the things they have done.

Historical image of OSC

Historical image of OSC